Why are men addicted to dating sites
Why are men addicted to dating sites? This has been an age-old question a very interesting question that could easily be asked on both sides of the field to be honest with you. To keep this plain and simple the reason why men are addicted to online dating websites is because it’s revolutionized the chase. Back in the day men would have to go to drastic measures just to make sure that he saw a woman again it wasn’t even such thing as a cell phone so therefore the best thing to do is if you find someone who’s incredibly attractive that’s incredibly compatible with you, you should lock her down and that meant marriage. But nowadays because of text messaging, you find someone you really like and you instantly give them your number and then you start texting them and calling. But realistically that became a little mundane as well because you don’t want to give out your number to pretty much everybody. So when they created something that I like to call the online dating e-mail which is pretty much the online dating website it’s just an e-mail address for potential dating prospects. Totally free online dating sites, best dating site, free online dating websites All of these provided man with a simple way to fish for thousands if not millions of women at one time no longer do you have to go out of your way and search for women at malls movies and various clubs just simply put out your net and wait for the fish to come. It becomes an obsession easily because the more fish you catch the higher your adrenaline flows. To be honest with you the best online dating websites for me back in the day was MySpace even though MySpace isn’t really an online dating website. But realistically it was it was the perfect online dating website disguises as a social network. Social network is just another way of saying online dating website to be honest with you because the best thing to do on there is to socialize with the opposite sex it made it a lot easier to connect with people from a further distance so instead of dealing with only the women in my area I could find women way out of my area code.
This increase my net radius so now I can cast the net over multiple cities. That creates a small addiction right there because no longer are you limited to a small area and no longer are you limited to something as simple as a city block. Back in the day you met someone from the opposite city you definitely had to keep in contact with that person because they were your only link to that area but now you can establish a link to that area and no time simply by going on an online dating website research in that area and seeing who’s out there immediately afterwards messing whoever is out there that is of attractiveness and then pursue. It’s that simple you can specify the area, by being able to specify the area you pretty much can specify the type of woman you want to be with, this area really has cool people, if you want someone who’s sweet nice you might want to go after a nicer and sweeter area if you want someone whose little rough around the edges you might want to go after a rougher area it’s as simple as that. It’s genius when MySpace implemented that search technique where you can search by area or you can search within a 20 mile radius of a specific area that was genius. Because of this it became a small addiction not to mention a small competition as well because a lot of men were casting out their net but who could catch the most fish. So why are men addicted to dating sites? Because it revolutionized the access a man has to the female gender.
Even though we are looking for our "destiny", we should be aware of the danger of knowing and meeting someone through social media. We should keep in mind that we shouldn't have to give our 100% trust because we don't know if he/she is telling the truth.