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Make Women Want You

11:22 PM Levon West Mixxin 0 Comments Category :

"free online dating websites"Are you a geek? A complete nerd? Ah spaz? Overweight? Do you fill like you’re completely undesired by almost every hot girl you ever seen in your entire life? You would be almost utterly and completely wrong! Why would I say something like this, because it’s the complete truth. Women actually don’t know exactly what it is they want, no matter if you are a unattractive male a overweight male or just completely and utterly broke. You don't have to use the best dating site, dating websites for free or online dating sites free. You can still score with the hottest chicks on the planet. You just have to know the right routine. This is something that we can teach you very easily, you just need to open your ears and listen. Your thinking all this is bull, im a complete geek no woman would ever want me wrong! You know why? Because when you apply these skills girls won’t even see it coming, simply because of your physical appearance or your financial statues. They will be so shocked that you approach them, they will be off guard and have almost no defense mechanism to activate against your psychological attack. By using these techniques, females will pretty much have almost no choice but to submit to your will, and give up her soaking wet panties. I know you’ve seen this on a few occasions, some incredibly unattractive guy with some incredibly attractive chick you thought to yourself how. Most likely they’re using the techniques I’m trying to explain to you at this very moment.
Because they’re using this technique the women actually didn’t view them for what they appear to be, but she viewed them for what they wanted her to see them as. Because of this, that male was able to paint a psychological picture in her mind, of the way he wanted her to see him. With this technique he hit override on her instincts, hurdling over her prescreening process by psychologically distracting her, from what could be considered a weakness. Even if one is not pleasing to the eye if you’re pleasing to the mind eventually over time you’ll become pleasing to the eye. This is a tricky process but the eyes see, what the heart desires, and because of this woman can start to see you as the hottest guy on earth even if you’re just a overweight geek. Mind you, a woman’s brain is a system and any system can be hacked. With the proper techniques you can infiltrate her system and become the apple of her eye. It may sound crazy but I have seen it work 1000 times. Guy walks up to a woman he is pretty overweight looks like he is going to strikeout, he uses the proper technique next thing you know he is taking her home, the rest is history. Hey average guys need love to right, I mean it seems like these non average guys take these chicks for granted, why should they have all the hot chicks right. Us regular guys know how to treat these girls, but we don’t know how to get these girls and that's what these techniques are about. Entering any situation with a extreme amount confidence, knowing that you have the advantage, knowing that your techniques are flawless and 9 times out of 10 you’ll score. Now how did I learn all this? From a nice little webinar called the make a woman want you system. The make a woman want you system is incredibly effective, it teaches regular average guys who don’t necessarily have extreme physical prowess, to match up to these super jocks, and in most situations outdo them. If you would like to learn more about this topic please Click Here!



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