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It seems as though the very dynamic of dating has changed. Getting a woman’s attention is more difficult than ever, even on the top online dating sites, best dating site or free online dating websites. This could be due to the simple fact that a woman only pays attention to a certain amount of men, or should I say a certain type of man. Usually women have a predisposition when it comes to picking their mates. Usually when a man walks into an environment concerning women, several mistakes are made first off. These mistakes draw her attention to someone other than you. Now how can we change these behaviors, that is the question of the day now let’s address this question with another question, what exactly would need to be changed for a woman to give you the attention you feel you deserve. Now I ask you take a look at yourself are you a very confident person are you a person of little confidence. This is incredibly important factor when dealing with the world of women. You see women are mostly attracted to confidence, but not fake confidence. They’re attracted to a natural confidence that oozes from the body. This confidence arouses a woman’s attention and immediately causes her to focus in on you. Now how does one achieves such confidence? Simple you need to know what it is that women want, and how to attract them, by knowing this you can enter a situation that involves women, and already have the advantage. You see when you enter a environment concerning women, especially those of an attractive nature you basically shutdown.
Nervousness comes to play, and you know why because attractive women are incredibly intimidating, especially to one who already has low self-esteem. Entering a situation with an attractive woman and already feeling like you can’t win, gives you a disadvantage off top. So forget online dating, dating agencies and date sites for free you need to concentrate on simple things you can do that would attract a woman to you. The truth is, most females don’t know exactly what they want. They look to other females for the answer, whoever they go after is exactly the man they want. Which means most women only want guys, that other girls want or seem to like. How do they decide that other girls want you. This is a difficult question to answer, but most women have a system, they usually look around the room to see, what other girls are paying attention to, or should I say who the girls are paying attention to. This is a system that you can easily manipulate by knowing a few key things about women. Using techniques you can make it seem as though you are the center of attention, and most women do want you. This is something that can be easily learned from the program I like to call goldfish. This program is based on the fact that when the goldfish is in the process of finding a mate. They usually look for the male with the brightest color. If two males are the same brightness usually they will go after the male that all the other female goldfish are going after. This can also easily be applied to human females. Most human females want what other girls want. Almost the same sense that men have when it comes to picking out their cars. Men usually want the car that all other men want, and why is this so they can show it off to other men. The same thing applies to women as well, simply because they want the guy they think everyone else wants, therefore they can show said guy off. This philosophy was thoroughly explained and a series called goldfish. It’s a webinar by this guy who was sick and tired of being stood up and thrown to the side by most women. A guy who was use and abuse by so many women to the point where he finally started doing his research and found a way to use women’s natural instinct to find the most desired man, and manipulated it by using simple techniques to make it seem as though he was that most desired man by using this technique he was able to enter of various environments, and get extremely large amount of so to say action. If you would for like to learn more about this please Click Here!